Friday, April 6, 2012

Dogroom Brewing

So, Lynne and I have decided to try our hand at home brewing.

I used to make a bit of homebrew back in the 90s but kind of drifted away from it for a variety of reasons.  But it has always been there, quietly in the back of my mind, that one day I might like to take it up again.  Although my original fermenter has long gone, I kept most of the other paraphenalia, the smaller pieces mostly, that were easy to tuck away in storage.

Additionally, several of Lynne's workmates have recently taken up the ancient and honourable art of brewing and this has sparked an interest in her to give it a try.  Of course given that Lynne and most of her workmates are both creative and competitive, this could lead us down some interesting paths in the brewing world.  Historically, my brewing process has been pretty much limited to buying and using the available kit beers exactly as per instructions with no additions to ingrediants or deviations from process.  Somehow I doubt that this will be the case this time around.

Regardless of this small misgiving, I expect this could readily turn into a fine shared hobby for us, with a very pleasant byproduct - beer!

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